HWMA Law Firm through its program "HWMA Law Academy" has successfully held a Workshop on "Kendala dan Solusi Penggunaan Perizinan Berusaha Berbasis Risiko (OSS-RBA)" on Friday, December 1, 2023 at Hotel Akmani Jakarta. The material presented by Mr. Muhtadi A. Temenggung, S.T., M.Si. (Chairman of the National One-Stop Integrated Service Forum & Head of the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office of Bandar Lampung) and his team as the speakers guided by Indramadhani Taufik, S.H (Senior Associate) as moderator and Xena Dora Thea Bening, S.H., M.H. (Associate) as MC, have been able to resolve the main obstacles faced by workshop participants in using the OSS-RBA system.
HWMA continues to be committed to helping and providing the best service for business actors in carrying out their business activities.
For colleagues or business actors who have problems in carrying out their business activities, please do not hesitate to contact HWMA Law Firm for further information. Stay tuned for more great events from HWMA Law Academy!
#HWMALawFirm #OSSRBA #workshop